November Update

Dear Friends,
Thanksgiving is almost upon us. As we reflect on our blessings this year they are so numerous. Although we have had our share of rough spots, we continue to see God working through the celebrations and challenges of
our lives.
Thank you so much for your prayers for the trip I took to Germany last month. God worked in so many amazing ways! The first was through the provision of the women of our church, Tri-Lakes Chapel. These women generously gave sponsorships to the women in Europe who were hoping to attend the retreat, thus making it financially possible for them to take
part in this event. In addition, they donated over 700 pounds of items to encourage these women in Europe. Most of those attending the retreat were missionaries from a variety of organizations. Tears came to their eyes as they saw the goodie bags sent to them by their sponsors. There was canned pumpkin for Thanksgiving pies, chocolate chips for baking, pudding mix, Crest toothpaste, magazines in English, and notes of encouragement and other surprises. These were simple gifts that meant more than we who live in the US could ever imagine. For many of these women, this was their first women's retreat ever! We laughed, cried, prayed, played games, made jewelry, decorated tote bags, hiked and bonded together as sisters in Christ. The team of women I took from my church each filled a significant role as we served together. My role was as the "mouthpiece" of the group. I spoke six times during the week - at the retreat, at an outreach event sponsored by a German-speaking church, andat an appreciation luncheon given in honor of the staff who work at a boarding school for missionary children. I'm sure I also spoke more than my share in casual conversation, as I was filled with delight at being able to share my "mission world" with my co-laborers in women's ministry at my church. So many times we sensed that only through prayer were we being upheld as we went from morning to night doing service projects, meeting and encouraging mission women and experiencing just a taste of what it is like to live in a foreign culture for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel. Thank you for being part of this incredible work!! Through your prayers women were blessed and God was glorified.
Rick has been busy also! Our fall Home Ministry Welcome (missionaries back for rest) went well. Rick led seminars, we met with couples and encouraged them in their work. Rick also has a new addition to his job responsibilities. His department is reorganizing and he is adding leadership development responsibilities to his plate. We'll still work with member care and family ministry. He had an opportunity to take our Europe Leadership Team through the Birkman Profile - a leadership and team building tool. The mission leaders are excited for him to use this with other groups within GEM. Rick is excited because he loves doing things like this. He is hoping to move more into hands on ministry and less administration in 2006. Please join us in prayer that God will truly give direction in this. We love working for Greater Europe Mission and want to use our gifts and abilities to serve the mission and the kingdom of God.
On the home front, the boys are doing well. Joel is busy with the end of college rush. Pray for him, as he is getting sick and has concerts, papers, etc coming up. Aaron ended his football season in one piece and is already starting to practice for baseball. We will be spending Thanksgiving in AZ this year with my family. For those of you in AZ -- on Friday November 25th we'll be having an open house at Bethany Community Church's mission's house - 823 W. Pecos Ave in Mesa (Pecos is just south of Guadalupe off Alma School) from 4-7. Come by and see us!!
Praying that you will have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Rick and Cathy